
  Hope you enjoy some of our designs that involve plants, pots, pets, ponds, pathways and even parents! Let us know if you need any seasonal color or potted arrangements from Earth Creations Landscaping for the cooler weather coming soon!

  The Island is just full of beautiful plants that we had fun installing this year! Colorful Zinnias, Coneflowers, Cannas, Plumerias, Trailing Vinca, Giant Bamboo, Zanadus and of course our Lemon tree and Golden Goddess Bamboo here at the shop! We would love to see your flower gardens!

Earth Creations Landscaping Multicolored Flagstone

Multicolored flagstone set in black gravel makes a great contrast in color. This can be used in walkways and patios. The areas were also bordered with brown benda-board to hold the gravel in. Jared, our designer, did a great job in laying out the areas to our customer’s satisfaction.