The Benefits of Composting for your Garden! 1. Adds nutrients to the soil. 2. Introduces valuable organisms to the soil. 3. Recycles kitchen and yard waste. 4. Reduces landfill waste. 5. Good for the environment! Source: Give it a try! Great for your garden and plants while helping the environment at the same time!…Continue Reading “Benefits of Composting”
Did you know that Okra is a tall-growing, warm-season, annual vegetable from the same family as Hollyhock, Rose of Sharon and Hibiscus? And did you know that there is 1.9 grams of protein in one cup of Okra. Yes! and they are full of antioxidants! Our Okra gave it’s first bloom today. We should have…Continue Reading “Okra Blooms!”
The cooler months have finally arrived. Now is the time to install your seasonal color! Seasonal cool weather plants include Dianthus, Lobelia, Phlox, Petunias, Ornamental Cabbage and Kale, Snapdragons, Bluebonnets. We also carry Alyssum and an array of cool weather veggies and herbs! Come by and visit to pick out your favorites or give us…Continue Reading “Seasonal Color for the Fall”
If you think you have an infestation of lacewing, look closer! Lacewings make lunch of those harmful bugs that munch on your landscape plants, such as “aphids… mites… caterpillars, leafhoppers, mealybugs and whiteflies.” So, if you see them, know that they are not harmful to your plants, but are there to feed on something that…Continue Reading “Lacewings! A great addition to your landscape!”